Reduce Your Carbon Emissions now to become compliant - our carbon experts will make a significant difference to your business

Take action now to REDUCE your carbon emissions for the future. Find out how to make carbon management self-funding, by calling us today.

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How our carbon experts are able to make a significant difference to your organisation


Dedicated Resources


Detailed Knowledge

Expert Specialists

Expert Specialists

Unique carbon footprinting analytical tools

Unique carbon footprinting analytical tools

Access to serious buying power

Access to serious buying power

In the current challenging economic climate, organisations are battling with the desire to drive growth and profitability, whilst investing in low carbon emitting technologies to reduce their carbon footprint and speed up their journey to becoming Carbon Neutral and achieving Net Zero emission targets.

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Net zero does not have to cost the earth

Auditel is a team of carbon footprint consultants who help organisations like yours reduce their carbon emissions and costs at the same time. Our net zero carbon consultants and carbon footprint experts help our clients on their journey towards Net Zero by simplifying the process.

We begin with a couple of easy steps, which could lead you to be verified as Carbon Neutral within 12 months, to an internationally recognised standard. Using our procurement expertise we make sure any action taken to improve your environmental credentials have a strong and potentially self-funding business case because we truly believe that being Carbon Neutral doesn't need to cost the Earth.

Net zero does not have to cost the earth
Achieve BSI specification for carbon neutrality

Achieve BSI specification for carbon neutrality

With the UK Government’s commitment to a low carbon world and net zero targets by 2050, the drive to carbon neutrality and achieving net zero is dominating organisations’ future decision-making. However, many organisations believe the changes that they will have to make to achieve net zero carbon emissions will be time-consuming, costly and with all the conflicting information, a little daunting. This is far from the truth, as there are many incentives to help businesses become greener and leaner without costing the earth.

Using Auditel’s simple 4 step process our experienced carbon neutral consultants can help your organisation demystify and provide clarity to this complex subject of achieving net zero. Our carbon management consulting services deliver expert guidance and resources so you can achieve an NQA or BSI recognised specification for carbon neutrality (PAS 2060) as soon as possible, while you progress on the longer-term net zero journey

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Auditel’s 4 Step Process to PAS 2060 Verification

Measure, Reduce, Offset, Verify

Auditel’s 4 Step Process to PAS 2060 Verification

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Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) was introduced in 2019, as legislation to replace the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) Scheme. SECR requires obligated companies to report on their energy consumption and associated greenhouse gas emissions within their financial reporting for Companies House.


Organisations that qualify for ESOS must carry out ESOS assessments every 4 years. These assessments are audits of the energy used by their buildings, industrial processes and transport to identify cost-effective energy saving measures.

Carbon Footprint Reporting (CFR)

A credible CFR that meets PAS 2060 specification must meet certain professional standards. Producing a poor-quality CFR can put your brand at risk. With our consulting team, your CFR will be prepared in line with all the requirements of the BSI PAS 2060 specification. Accounting for emissions helps identify reduction opportunities, increases materials & energy efficiency and aids in the development of new products and services that reduce the carbon impacts.

Carbon Reduction Planning (CRP)

Effective carbon reduction planning will deliver cost savings to your business by putting in place a short, medium, and long-term strategy to reduce your Greenhouse Gas emissions. Our approach will prioritise these projects with fully costed business cases. Where capital investment is required, alternative funding sources will be considered. These include effective procurement reviews of other cost areas to release cash flow or by hepling you tap into the ever-expanding sources of green funding. Auditel then ensure you can measure the outcome of the initiatives you’ve completed. This is an important part of the requirements of the PAS2060 certification.

Carbon Offset Purchasing

Once practical emission reduction has occurred, you might want to consider the purchase of carbon offsets from a provider of high-quality voluntary carbon offset projects. Auditel’s understanding of this fast-moving marketplace combined with almost 30years of procurement experience will ensure you acquire the right Carbon Credits at the right price.

PAS 2060 Verification

If you decide you want to gain formal verification of your carbon neutral claims, then PAS 2060 carbon neutral verification is next and Auditel will assist you all the way. This includes the preparation of your Qualifying Explanatory Statement (QES), price comparisons and selection from different verification bodies and finally, marketing assistance to get the most from your achievement of carbon neutrality.

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